Elhunyt, James Starace!
November 10.-én, 46
éves korában elhunyt, James (Jim)
Starace a Norman Bates And The Showerheads punkrock zenekar gitáros énekese, adta hírül hivatalos
weboldalán, valamint Facebook oldalán a zenekar.
Súlyos betegség következtében, elhunyt Jim Starace, aki a
new yorki, rock/metal/punk/hardcore szintér egyik jelentős alakja volt. Többek
között olyan zenekarokban játszott mint a legendás punrock/hardcore banda a
Norman Bates And The Showerheads és a Puny Human stoner-rock zenekar. A
betegség oka, tüdőrák volt.
Olvassátok a NBATS által közzé tett üzenetet, amit a zenekar
Jim emlékére írt:
is one of those posts you you hope you never have to make. It's with a very
heavy heart and very swollen eyes that we must announce the passing of Jim Starace
on 11/10/12.
He was taken from us way to early by lung cancer. It hit him fa
He was taken from us way to early by lung cancer. It hit him fa
and hard and we are all devastated by the loss of our leader and brother. Jim
was a musician, song writer, poet, artist, friend, son, husband, father,uncle
brother, and just an amazing person all together. The world is a much darker
place today without him in it but as the tears cover the keyboard as I write
this I can only think that he would want us to remember all of the good times
we had with him and all of the love he shared with us through the years. We
will post information for any services held for him when we have that info to
pass. Rest in Peace my friend...we will love you always.”
Jim személyében egy nagy ikont veszített el a zenei világ,
de munkássága örökre nyomot hagyott sok emberben és ez felejthetetlen marad!
Nyugodj Békében James (Jim) Starace!!!!
készítette: D.antisocial
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